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Board Meeting Checklist

School Board Meeting Procedure


( 7:00 am morning of the meeting)

1.) Remove batteries from board mic's and place them in the charging dock in the storage closet. 


(3:00-4:00 pm begin setup)

2.) Setup chairs/tables, public speaker clock,

3.) Setup presentation computer on the side table and connect, power, HMDI, USB-A, and the clicker for slideshow.

4.) Login to presentation PC with ( ) Download presentation onto laptop used for presenting to ensure smooth operation. 



the compiled presentation and bring the slideshow up on all TV's. Test click, with clicker, through the entire presentation to confirm normal operation and accurate functionality depending on the media presented. 




2.) Setup chairs/tables, public speaker clock, and computers.

2.) Test podium computer to ensure proper power, video output and audio streaming capabilities. 


School Board Study Session Procedure

( 7:3:00-4:00 ampm morningbegin ofsetup)


1.) meeting)Setup chairs/tables, public speaker clock, Meeting Owl, and computers.

2.) Connect PC to meeting Owl and login as   
