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Boardroom Cast to All TVs Guide

Wireless casting to all TV’s

(All district-issued devices have V-Cast sender pre-installed if compatible)

  1. Locate the Video Matrix (the touchscreen control panel near the podium). Select ‘VIDEO MATRIX’.
  2. Power on all TV’s with the button at the bottom of the Video Matrix page. 
  3. Walk up to TV #1 (the left TV on the north wall behind the board member chairs) and then click and drag with your finger from the edge of the screen inward and press the home button (shaped like a house).

  4. Open the V-Cast app on TV #1 and enter the code provided on your device to begin casting your screen.

  5. Once your screen is casting, return to the touch screen control panel (Video Matrix). It will show your screen in the ‘CAST FROM TV 1’ shown in the image below.

  6. Tap the input box labeled ‘CAST FROM TV 1’ and tap each screen (MONITOR #1-4) on the right-hand side of the OUTPUTS menu to send your screen to all TV’s in the boardroom.

  7. The volume output will come through the ceiling speakers and can be adjusted on your local device or by using the slider labeled ‘Monitor #1 Video’ as seen below. (make sure your computer is not muted)