Fixing Archived Lexia Students
There are some circumstances where a student might stop being imported to Clever for an extended period of time. Most commonly this is because the student withdrew at some point then re-enrolled at a later date. Clever retains the association between a unique Clever ID and a student's unique identifier for 300 days.
This causes a problem when a student existed in Clever at one point, stops being imported for 300 consecutive days, then begins to be imported again. When a student's Clever account data is dropped during a Clever -> Lexia sync, Lexia places the student in an archived state.
If the student wasn't missing from Clever for 300 days then they should be re-assigned their original Clever ID. In this case Lexia can correctly map the ID from Clever to the ID stored in Lexia and automatically restore the student from the archive during the sync.
If the student was missing from Clever for 300 days, they will have a new Clever ID but retain their original student username, causing a mapping conflict in Lexia because
- Lexia can't create a new student record in Lexia since one already exists with that username
- Lexia can't automatically restore the student from its archive because there is a mismatch between the Clever ID stored in Lexia, and the new Clever ID that Clever is sending to Lexia.
When this happens we need