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Downloading Security Footage

With the Avigilon software open you will find the camera with the footage you would like to download as is shown.

From here you can either right click the displayed view and click on ‘recorded’ or you can find the button in the top left corner which says recorded and that will bring you to the stored footage.

At the bottom of the screen you will see the timeline with the red blocks which indicates the cameras saw motion and were recording. When you have found the event or if you already know the specific time you will right click the timeline bar and click “add export”

This will bring up a window that will allow you to adjust the start and end times of the video you want to download. You can either type in the time you wish them to start and stop or in the timeline bar at the bottom you will see two white bars which represent the beginning and end which can simply be moved by clicking and dragging it to the desired time.


After setting the time you will press ok which will then move that clip into a new tab at the top titled Export. Click that tab and you will see a timeline in the frame off to the left, you will check the box next to it and at the bottom click on “AVE Options”. We need to change the top option format from the default “Native” to “AVI”. This step is to make sure that computers without the Avigilon software will be able to play the video.

After changing the type you will click export and it will ask you where you would like to save the video. After selecting the location the download will begin and progress information will be displayed on the left column.

One thing to keep in mind is these cameras record at high resolution so the size of file can be pretty big and is almost always too big to be emailed. If it needs to be provided to someone, I have found putting it in a google drive folder and providing the person with a link to download it often works best.