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Informacast ( THE, ELC, EHE, SHS )

The Informacast system is managed through a web portal found at ip ( from your browser. Single sign on is not configured for this application so you will need to speak with the Systems Engineer for access if it has not been granted previously. 

Adjusting the volume on a clock: 

  1. Login to to the web interface, and click on hardware in the left-hand column. 
  2. Click "Speakers and InformaCast Desktop Notifiers" this will list all of the speakers controlled by the InformaCast system. 
  3. Find the speaker you wish to modify which are labeled by school and room number (EHE Classroom 103). To the right of this click on the kebab icon( 3 stacked dots) to bring up the options for that individual clock and click increase or decrease volume as needed. 

Changing the Bell Schedule.: 

  1. From the home screen in the left hand column, click on "Bells" and then click on "Ring Lists"
  2. Here you will see a list of all the schedules for each building. Click on the schedule for the building you wish you modify and it will bring you to the list of bells currently scheduled to ring. 
  3. You will see a list of each bell with three