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24 total results found
How to Claim Your Account
Overview of Account Claiming Claiming a RapidIdentity account is a process which involves the following: Proving ownership of the account via a claim code Agreeing to the SBLSD's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Setting a new password (Optionally) Setting ...
How To Setup 2FA
These instructions have been migrated to the Technology Services department's new documentation platform. Please refer to this link for up-to-date instructions and information regarding MFA. The content on this page is no longer maintained and will be removed ...
Managing Google Calendar Membership
Requirements A Google account which is an existing member of the calendar with the owner role. Accessing Calendar Sharing Settings 1. Access Google Calendar at 2. Locate the "My calendars" section on the left side of th...
Managing Google Group Membership
Requirements A Google account which is an existing member of the group with either the Owner or Manager role. Accessing the Group Membership List 1. Access Google Groups at 2. Locate the group you want to manage and click...
LittleSIS Teacher Review
LittleSIS Teacher Review gives teachers the ability to opt-in to automated Google Classroom provisioning/rostering and provides functionality to more effectively manage automation of Google Classrooms. Teacher Review can be accessed at https://sync.littlesis....
Skyward Data Translation Table
Account Automation
Core Core systems represent the basis for school district user accounts. System SSO Rostering Notes Active Directory Y Used for accessing school district PCs Google Y Y Used for district email, cloud storage, calendars, etc. Ra...
Wiki Standards & Style Guide
BookStack User Docs Basic Do's and Dont's Do Don't Embed links to other wiki pages that exist as supplemental instructions/information which are relevant to your guide, but not specific to...
How To Reset Your Password
If You Are Able To Login 1. Login to RapidIdentity 2. In the top-right corner, click on your name. A drop-down menu will appear. 3. Click the Change Password button in the drop-down menu 4. Follow the prompt to set a new password ...
How to Login to Zoom
From the Web 1. Log in to RapidIdentity 2. Click the Zoom application on the Dashboard If you don't see Zoom bookmarked on your RapidIdentity dashboard, open the Applications module and select it from the list of available apps 3. Click...
2023.07.26 - RapidIdentity Maintenance
This maintenance period has ended Technology Services will be implementing upgrades to the SBLSD account automation and sync pipelines in RapidIdentity between 7/28 - 7/29. This process may take between 12-24 hours. Impacted Areas During the Upgrade Process ...
2023.08.14 - Rostered Application Issues
This issue has been resolved as of 9/06/23 Technology Services is currently working with NWRDC to address a bug in Skyward that is causing an issue with staff and student account exports. Expect additional syncing delays for rostered applications. Updates ...
How to Print Login QR Badges For Students
These instructions have been migrated to the Technology Services department's new documentation platform. Please refer to this link for up-to-date instructions and information regarding printing login QR badges. The content on this page is no longer maintained...
How to Manage Student Accounts
These instructions have been migrated to the Technology Services department's new documentation platform. Please refer to this link for up-to-date instructions and information regarding student account management. The content on this page is no longer maintain...
Fixing Archived Lexia Students
Overview There are some circumstances where a student might stop being imported to Clever for an extended period of time. Most commonly this is because the student withdrew at some point then re-enrolled at a later date. Clever retains the association betwe...
2023.09.28 - Skyward Outage
Updates 9/28/23 5:03PM This issue has been resolved. 9/28/23 9:57AM WSIPC has identified a probable cause for the outage and is working on a fix. This outage affects all Skyward SMS 2.0 districts in WA. 9/28/23 9:57AM Skyward is...
Fixing Missing Student in SmartPass
Overview SmartPass syncs student and staff accounts from Google OUs. There are some situations where a student's account may have manually been moved to a different OU and forgotten about over time (e.g. Google Only OU, Chromebook Take Home OU), making it s...
How to Allow External Participants in Zoom Meetings
Overview Staff members may disable the setting which restricts their Zoom meeting such that any participants must be logged in to Zoom in order to join. The SBLSD Technology Services department recommends keeping this setting enabled in most situations for ...
Clustering Clustering is used to group nearby markers together. Option Description Enable Clustering Toggles clustering on or off Min Zoom Minimum zoom level at which clusters are generated Max Zoom Maximum zoom level at wh...
Records Record source files are a JSON formatted array of objects with each object containing at minimum a lat and lng key. Each record is attached to a marker which is placed on the map according to the latitude (lat) and longitude (lng) keys. An...